Monday, March 25, 2013

We've got Disney eBooks!

If you take a look through our Digital Media Catalog, you'll see tons of new books available, particularly Disney eBooks   We've recently been able to add Disney Digital Books to our collection, which means your kids can find tons of stories about their favorite characters right on your Mac or PC!  And unlike most of our other eBooks, these are always available!  There's no need to put them on hold or join a waiting list.  You can read them immediately!

Interested?  One of the easiest ways to find these is to visit our Digital Media Catalog.  The first thing you'll want to do is sign in by clicking "Sign In" at the top and entering your library card number and PIN number (Don't know your PIN number? Stop in or call us and we can reset it for you!)  Scroll down a little bit, and along the left side you'll see the icon above, inviting you to "Check out a Disney Digital Book today!"  If you click on that, you'll be able to see a whole list of all of the Disney eBooks we have for you.

Once you find one you like, click on "Add to Cart."  Then click "Proceed to Checkout" (unless you want to continue browsing).  On the following page, choose how many days you think you'll need to read this eBook, then click "Confirm Check Out."  On the download page, simply click "Launch" next to the Disney Digital Book you've chosen.  A new window or tab will open in your internet browser, and the book will begin!

This is a wonderful way for children who can't read on their own yet to spend time with stories when parents and caregivers are busy.  Reading with your child is absolutely essential, and eBooks that "read" to your children are no replacement for the one-on-one, interactive experience they get reading with you.  But using eBooks can be an excellent way to give your child literacy and technology experiences, in addition to the time you spend reading together.

So browse through our collection, see what looks good, and give Disney Digital Books a try today!

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